
While the body of work crafted by Dylan Thomas was limited by his untimely death, it has not waned in popularity. From serious academic study and analysis to introducing his work to schoolchildren his writing still resonates.


Children's activities

Children aged between 6-11


Essays & Academic Papers

This area includes essays and academic papers on Dylan Thomas.


Teacher’s Packs

Teachers Packs prepared by teachers from Carmarthenshire: Claire Argyle and Elaine Edwards. They consist of lesson plans and class exercises for teachers working with Key Stage 3, 4 & 5 looking at key poems, stories and broadcasts by Dylan Thomas, and are designed for the delivery of English lessons.


Thomas in Context

Looking at Thomas in the context of English literature during the 1930’s/1940’s/early 1950’s with responses to Thomas after his death from the shifts in fashion and critiques from members of the Movement poets in the late 50’s/early 60’s. There is a specially compiled Timeline by Dr John Goodby.



A full Dylan Thomas resource bibliography from primary to tertiary sources.